Friday, December 14, 2012

More Advent

We did a few more activities this past week in Advent celebration style! More family traditions embraced. :)

We started with a family breakfast picnic "under" our tree last weekend. All {did you know you can buy adult sized?!} in footed pjs because it was cold!

Then we popped over to a local famous Christmas spot a different night to look at the lights on steriods!

Then we had our sweet {Swenson} family during the week as they were attending a wedding nearby. It feels like it's been forever since we've had guests so it was a delightful treat to host them. Especially so close after Thanksgiving so E clearly remembered them. We made sure to delay our cookie decorating a few days so we could do it with them. It was so fun having more kids to participate and E loved having his cousins: constant playmates. He went through seriously withdrawals after they left!

And to balance the high levels of sugar before 10:30 am, they all gathered round while Aly-berry read a Christmas story!

Looking forward to more Advent activities this week!!

Merry Christmas!

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