Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Little People

I haven't been doing much in the way of creative outlets lately. :( It's been mostly survival mode around these here parts. Both boys got RSV and we spent some time in the ER as well as some rough nights at home. Breathing treatments, x-rays, and sleep on the go were the norm for awhile.

We're still a bit in recovery mode as Sunday was a complete sabbath day for us. We did not really leave our pajamas, let alone the house. Which brings me to the title of this post. :) 

Not too long ago, E started playing with three corks we had in the kitchen. I said they looked like little people the way he was playing with them. He must have liked that because it stuck and he's spent much of the week playing with the little people. Since we had so much down time on Sunday, I figured I'd help a little boy out and add some features to his little people. Scissors, felt scraps, a glue gun, and an extra cork later, his little people were starting to look like a real family. 

Yeah, my two year old knows the words "mustache", "beard" and "soul patch". I think the little boys still need an extra accent. Ideas? I also gave him a small tissue box from the hospital to carry his people around in. He totally loves them. Truly crazy what kids turn into toys with their imaginations...

Now I'm wondering what else I can add to his little people. We have plenty of corks saved up around here so I'm wondering how I can swing a car or maybe a make-shift house? Little people possibilities are endless, really.