Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Craft Weekend House

Hello readers! Do I still have some of those?! At this point, I'd doubt it. Major blog-slacker. Ugh. But I'm here with something to post about. Yippie!! I just got back from an AMAZING weekend in Kansas. Kansas?! You may be screaming. Yup! I got the best opportunity to join a dozen other woman from around the US for the weekend with Meg and Kimberlee at their Whatever Craft Weekend. Seriously, inspiration OVERLOAD. Before getting to the recap, here are a few snapshots of the house.
And those were just from downstairs. {How I miss capturing the charming upstairs is beyond me!!}

1 comment:

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

I am so jealous! What an amazing weekend. It was fun to follow on Instagram. :)