Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Eggs

My poor semi-neglected crafty blog. :) We're still here. Not as much crafting or sewing these days, but here nonetheless. Plus I don't think showing you my various half-finished projects are really going to make you swoon. So I'll have to save them up and get 'em done first!

Anyway, we dyed some eggs the other day! Good ol' fashion Easer tradition. It was our very first time together and I definitely had to brush up on my dying skills. Because it's seriously been like, what, 18 years or something?!

Instead of boiling the eggs, I baked them. 25 minutes at 325 degrees. Worked effortlessly. 
Ezra was definitely not born with the gift of gentleness. This fact presented a bit of a challenge when dropping the eggs into the jars. I tried really really hard to let him do much of the leg-work but did some intervening from time to time.
 We did exactly a dozen; two of each beautiful color.

There was one casualty that just couldn't be ignored or put back with the others for the matter. I think he planned that.

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